Outreach & Missions 

Lochwood Christian Fellowship is committed to reaching out locally, nationally, and internationally in response to our Lord’s Great Commission. The following are a few of our ministries and mission concentrations.

Local Evangelism Outreach

Our mission here is to proclaim the good news of the Gospel in our local communities through conversations and distribution of Gospel tracts.

Local Prayer Outreach

Our ministry here is focused on canvassing local neighborhoods with distribution of prayer flyers. 

TMAI’S mission is aligned with our Lord’s Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 to make disciples of all nations. We believe that the most strategic way to do this is to train gifted and qualified indigenous church leaders, giving them the tools they need to plant and pastor BIBLE-CENTERED, CHRIST-EXALTING churches.

The mission of Heartcry Missionary Society is to glorify God and bring the greatest possible good to humankind through the preaching of the gospel and the establishment of biblical churches throughout the world by means of equipping and mobilizing indigenous churches and missionaries.